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Send us a message : 

    Les Ateliers Sansone will provide you with a free quote for your project. Fill in the fields below and we will get back to you as soon as possible!

    What is your type of property?


    What is your choice of raw material ?

    Natural StoneGraniteMarbleCompositeTilingI don't know

    What kind of work would you like to do?

    BathroomKitchenStairsWindow sillDoor sillOuter pavingInterior pavingCustom made furnitureStandard TableMade to measure tableDecorative objectOthers

    Tell us about your project(s)! (Dimensions, size...)

    When would you like to start your project?

    As soon as possibleIn 1 monthin less than 3 monthIn 6 monthWithin the yearAdjust the date