When marble suddenly appears on the walls
For a number of years, the Northern French company Koziel has been building up its reputation for top of the range wall paper and trompe l’oeil designs. Thanks to their innovations; anyone who wants to include a brick wall, a door frame in antique wood or a library of books in their interior design could just apply their wall-paper to the walls to achieve a realistic illusion of such materials. After having explored a number of different universes such as sophisticated nature, glass-houses, cement tiles, Koziel now proposes wallpaper that pays homage to the rich beauty of marble.

A meeting of two Northern French Enterprises
Koziel and Ateliers Sansone both occupy positions at the very top of their respective markets. And when Koziel decided to explore the beautiful aesthetics of marble it was quite natural that they should call on Ateliers Sansone with its reputation for quality and its diverse range of marbles from all over the world. The photographer Morgane Le Guen was given the task of capturing the most captivating close-up images of marble in her photographs such that they could deliver all of its subtleties and nuances. The photo session was held over a number of days at the Ateliers Sansone in Mouvaux. The results are unbelievable!
A “marble” collection in 26 different worlds
These photographs have now been developed onto wallpaper offering a collection of XXL panoramic format marble imitations. There is a choice of anthracite Breccia Oniciata marble from the quarries of Tuscany, pale grey Breccia Oniciate marble, beige Breccia Oniciata marble, grey Emerador marble from the quarries of Spain, Marinace granite with its green and grey hues from the quarries of Brazil, Nero Marquina marble with its broad shining white veins, Cippolin marble with its broad undulating petrol blue nerves crossed with thick layers of black and white mica…
The physical effect, depth, colour and subtlety of the veins of this ancient stone have been reproduced to the highest fidelity for all to enjoy.
Both elegant and timeless, contemporary and classic: marble resurges from the past with style. It can now be turned to any use thanks to these wall-papers impregnated with marble’s very nobility of marble.